Selected full papers may be considered for publication in special issues of UGC approved journals or volumes of edited books after a due review process.
Guidelines for Abstract Submission:
Authors are required to submit an extended abstract of about 1200-1500 words consisting of:

- Title
- Abstract
- Key words
- Brief Introduction
- Brief Literature Review
- Context and Problem Statement/ Research Question
- Methodology
- Key Results/ Findings
- Theoretical and/or Managerial Implications and
- Key references
This extended abstract will undergo a blind review, and the corresponding author will be intimated about the acceptance of the paper. Upon acceptance of the extended abstract, the author will have to submit the full-paper (not exceeding 8,000 words) which the author will further present at the conference.
Guidelines for Preparing Extended Abstract and Full Paper:
- Length of paper about 2500 words single spacing with Times New Roman 12 font size
- The paper should highlight the current trends/issues
- The paper should be submitted in word format only (.doc/docx)
- The first page should contain title, author’s name, contact details, an abstract of 100 words and keywords
- The second page should have the title of the article followed by the text
- Pictures/tables/charts/diagrams should be in B/W
- The references need to follow APA style of rendering
- Full papers can be mailed to
- Paper presenters will receive certificates at the conference
- The accepted papers should be submitted along with registration fee to consider the paper for including in Conference volume with ISBN No
- Original papers based on research surveys, case studies and implementation of new and novel ideas, methods and services are invited
- The papers will be reviewed by the editorial committee and the selected papers will be published in the form of a book with ISBN
- Few selected papers will be published in a UGC approved journal
- Every paper has to be accompanied by copyright declaration form according to the format available on the conference website
- Send hard copy of the same along with the copyright declaration to conference organizing secretary’s address

Submission Process
Submission of
Extended Abstract
Blind Review
Submission of Full Paper
Intimation of Acceptance
- In case of queries please send an email to
- Please register for the conference and submit the abstract for the main conference using the link following links: